Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Who's up for a Giveaway?

Okay, so I have way too many books in my library and need to give some away.  These three books are full of whimsy with some really cute projects.  All you need to do to win is leave a comment.  Unfortunately I haven't had a chance for a vacation this year, so I'd love to hear if you've gone anywhere fun or where you would love to go.  Please leave only one comment.  I will pick a random winner on Sunday, August 14th.  Good luck!  Sorry, but this giveaway is only open to US residents.  Postage abroad might be a bit much. :(


Maria said...

Yes postage overseas is very expensive Jamie.
If you check out my posts of a few weeks ago you can see where we went for a months holiday.

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks for a cool giveaway; I love sewing books! We went on one family vacation this summer: Ocean City, New Jersey. We also went on a Mommies and Children vacation (my sister and I and our children): Walt Disney World. I definitely needed a vacation from the WDW vacation! dstrong(at)bcps(dot)org

Synnove said...

Hi Jamie!
I could not help but comment on this, but please, leave me out of the giveaway:-) I'm very much international to you:-)
You are giving away some amazing books, by my favorite Norwegian designer! Tone Finnanger (Tilda) is a very creative woman, and has written a lot of books. She also designs fabric lines, scrapbooking equipment, embroidery thread, ribbon, buttons and much much more!
As for my holiday, I'm just about to make a blogpost about it, so you're welcome to take a look!
Big hugs:-)

Janice said...

Hi Jamie: I am going to Hiawassee Georgia in October. We will be able to enjoy the cool mountain weather. We are camping in our RV and enjoy the simplicity of getting away and "glamping" = Glamour + Camping. That is what my friend calls it as we don't sleep on the ground in a tent. As if.... Thanks for the giveaway.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

What a lovely giveaway! We went to visit my parents and in-laws in early spring before the kids got out of college. Seems like in the summer we stick pretty close to home so they can stay at home and have summer jobs. :-)

robin said...

I always love visiting Duluth, Minnesota. Fun to watch the ships come in, the shopping is good, and there's neat marine museum there. :)

Beezus said...

Ha! Instead of a vacation this year, we moved. And I'm not complaining, because it will make my life so much better in so many ways. All I have to do is find all the LQS's, and all will be well. :)

Charlotte said...

I love sewing books! I read them, reread them, enjoy the pictures, then finally try out a project in them... :)

Anonymous said...

I haven't been any where fun yet this year but the hubs wants to go camping in September. He calls this a vacation!

Charlotte said...

I love sewing books! I read them, reread them, look at all the pictures, then finally start a project... :)

annabelle said...

We have not gone anywhere this summer. We don't really enjoy the heat so we always go somewhere when its cooler. But home is my fav place to be anyway so I'm happy :) Thanks for sharing.

pinsandneedles said...

After my daughter's wedding this summer, we needed a little R & R so we headed to Houston, TX where my sister lives and has a pool and lots of sunshine. Just what we needed! Thanks!

Unknown said...

No vacation yet this year. My last was in December, when I went to Vegas. I got to see Phantom of the Opera...AMAZING!

I hope you get away to some place fabulous very soon!


Lee said...

Our vaca is to the UP in Mich. Beautiful and not crowded w/ tourists which is what I love! thanks for the giveaway!

Katie Cannon said...

We too vacation on Spring Break. We went to Texas on a 10 day trip. 4 days of which were traveling to and from GA (Our Home) it was so worth the drive time. We stayed in the Texas Hill Country just about 30 min north of San Antonio and we visited a few of the small towns, Fredericksburg, Bourne, Comfort, Stonewall, Bandera, and we visited the LBJ Ranch and I found a few great fabric and scrapbook stores along the way. You can see all the trip pics on my blog. BTW this trip was about 3 years in the making.

Kristy said...

Lovely giveaway, thank you! We enjoyed a week at the beach in SC late spring. Perfect weather and no crowds! :)

Marcia W. said...

This year was day-tripin vacations -- visiting family, the Gulf of Mexico, the springs, the river -- relaxing yet not bothersome travel. Thanks for the giveaway.

R Carter said...

can't say we've been anywhere on vacation this year... :( but last year we were living in england and went on vacations to granada, spain, prague, paris, the highlands in scotland, london, oxford, windsor... so i guess we're all vacationed out..financially speaking lol.

Lynn said...

we went to the north shore of lake superior=a magical mind expanding place! clear air, clear sky, big woods...
thanks for the giveaway!

Sue said...

Sorry to hear you haven't had a getaway yet. My vacation won't be for another month (Caribbean cruise, ahhh) so it's still been ma little rough listening to everyone at work coming back and telling of their great time away. The anticipation is about to bowl me over. I've actually been looking for some new books and these would be so great to read while I'm at the poolside soaking up some rays. Thanks for the chance!

Edamommy2 said...

Hullo! Down here we wait to take our vacations in the off-season - summer is our busiest time here on the coast of NW Florida. If I could, I'd love to head west to New Mexico. Gorgeous.

Natural Mama said...

We were lucky enough to go to France to have my little girl meet her grandma and great grandma

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